About Us
lhsan was established in 2007 with the aim to bridge a gap that was found within our community, for children with special needs.
At IHSAN (Islamic Holistic School For Alternative Needs) we strive to help learners achieve their potential in all areas of development.
We started with a single class of 5 learners and have grown to accommodate children at various levels of development. We have a multidisciplinary team that provides input to develop each child’s learning.
This team consists of qualified teachers and therapists that work closely together with learners to help them reach their full potential.
At IHSAN our syllabus is developed with input from a multidisciplinary team.
Account Name: – lhsan Trust
Bank – HBZ
Account No – 11901212272
Branch Code – 570105
Zeenat 082 560 1721
Yasmien 0832612661